I'll Be Your New YorkI’ll Be Your New York is a tale of self-subversion and desire that offers a girl’s take on the much cherished and coveted l’amour fou. In a rather post-surrealist vein, it explores the fascination that arises as the body that belongs to the lover is slowly transfigured by love. The city becomes an enveloping visceral presence and more than anything a backdrop to emotional states. The photographs were taken with a vintage 1970s Polaroid, one would say to reinforce the impression of uniqueness and tangibility. Apart from being a reference to the pop anthem, the title makes New York a metaphor of desire and longing, as the only city in the pictures is London, in its Eastern part. I’ll Be Your New York was published as a book in 2011 by AtemBooks and is available to purchase.
The copyright belongs to Lena Aliper